The Alchemy of Healing

Metabolizing experiences from Holotropic Breathwork sessions is a process that involves the mind, body and heart. Self-compassion has been an essential part of that process for me. Learning to move from self-abandonment to healing is a tender process. Meeting the disowned and wounded parts of myself with openness, curiosity and compassion required courage, empathy and attunement rather than self-blame, feelings of unworthiness and self-judgement. 

Over the past 15 years of practicing Holotropic Breathwork, I have become more acquainted with my own pain. At first, I could only touch into it for a few moments, that was all I could tolerate. But slowly, over time, and with a lot of support, I have been able to breathe into those spaces and experience a felt sense of the intensity of them. I no longer feel like I have to hide those unwanted parts away in the darkness of my psyche. Rather than abandoning myself, I have been learning to meet these parts with softness, spaciousness and loving awareness.

Holotropic Breathwork is a way to see beyond the veil, and connect more deeply with others, helping them and ourselves to explore and experience the mystery of expanded states of consciousness. We have the opportunity to explore what awaits within us and the vastness of what is possible, without the limits of form and our perception of time and space. These are the foundation for transformation and healing.

Some are guided to this work by a whisper of the heart, some by an illness, loss or major life transition. Trust the inner guidance, or inner healer, that has led you on your path of self-discovery. I found my way to Holotropic Breathwork from my longing for a deep healing following a breast cancer diagnosis.

It is taken me 15 years to understand there was a wisdom buried within my illness and symptoms. The sadness, fear and trauma were a sacred expression of my own divine nature that was seeking connection, love, acceptance and healing. That sacred wisdom woke me up from the earthen slumber of my life and opened a door for me to heal. 

If you are interested in experiencing Holotropic Breathwork, please feel free to email me at I would like to share a poem from my book Opening Inward. Enjoy and I wish you peace and healing.

The Alchemist

 My life burned away

so that I might

resurrect my soul.


Split me open,

spiritual triage,

preparing for the disembodiment

of emotions.

The alchemist

with his hands so clever

unearthed the mysteries of the flesh 

from the fire of nothing,

formless as it is.

In his imagination

only he knows

what can be created,

what elements heaven and earth

could animate from this unordered mess.

Work hard

since you know what has to be known.

Fill my porous skin

with the elixir of longevity,

transmuting dense metal

into gold.

This power

was not of her

but moved through her,

for certainly

this must be of God.

With the Light pouring

through the dust

of dark chaos,

love emerged

breeding in the womb of eternity.


it is sacred here,

ignore the wind,

ignore even the watery earth,

with one breath,

everything is changed.